Modelo ALCOVE.

Este un simulador interactivo del modelo de ALCOVE de Kruschke(1992) basado en el código diseñado por Brenden Lake y cuyo código puede verse en su Github personal. Se realizaron diversas modificaciones y se omitieron partes del código con el fin de hacerlo interactivo.

Cargarmos y creamos todas las funciones necesarias.

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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from scipy.stats import sem
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets
%matplotlib inline

# Indica el tipo de Función de pérdida a ser usada.
def get_label_coding(loss_type):
    # Set coding for class A and class B
    POSITIVE = 1.
    if loss_type == 'hinge':
        NEGATIVE = -1.
    elif loss_type == 'll':
        NEGATIVE = 0.
        assert False

# Gestiona los datos
def load_shj(loss_type, lbs, exe):
    # Loads SHJ data from text files
    # Input
    #   loss_type : either ll or hinge loss
    # Output
    #   X : [ne x dim tensor] stimuli as rows
    #   y_list : list of [ne tensor] labels, with a list element for each shj type
    stimuli = exe.to_numpy()
    labels = lbs.to_numpy()
    stimuli = stimuli.astype(float) 
    ntype = labels.shape[0]
    POSITIVE,NEGATIVE = get_label_coding(loss_type)
    labels_float = np.zeros(labels.shape,dtype=float)
    labels_float[labels == 'A'] = POSITIVE
    labels_float[labels == 'B'] = NEGATIVE
    X = torch.tensor(stimuli).float()   
    y_list = []
    for mytype in range(ntype):
        y = labels_float[mytype,:].flatten()
        y = torch.tensor(y).float()
    return X,y_list

# Gestiona los datos para hacerlos válidos para el modelo.
def load_shj_abstract(loss_type, exe, lbs, perm=[0,1,2]):
    # Loads SHJ data in abstract form
    # Input
    #   loss_type : either ll or hinge loss
    #   perm : permutation of abstract feature indices
    # Output
    #   X : [ne x dim tensor] stimuli as rows
    #   y_list : list of [ne tensor] labels, with a list element for each shj type
    # load image and abstract data
    X,y_list = load_shj(loss_type, lbs, exe)
    X_abstract =

    # Apply permutation
    X_perm = X_abstract.copy()
    X_perm = X_perm[:,perm] # permuted features
    perm_idx = []
    for x in X_perm:
        idx = np.where((X_abstract == x).all(axis=1))[0] # get item mapping from original order to perm order
    perm_idx = np.array(perm_idx)
    X = X[perm_idx,:] # permute items from original order to permuted order
    return X,y_list

class ALCOVE(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, exemplars, c=10, phi=1):
        # Input
        #   exemplars: [ne x dim] rows are exemplars provided to model
        super(ALCOVE, self).__init__() = exemplars.size(0) # number of exemplars
        self.dim = exemplars.size(1) # stimulus dimension
        self.exemplars = exemplars # ne x dim

        # set attention weights to be uniform
        self.attn = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones((self.dim,1))/float(self.dim))

        # set association weights to zero
        self.w = torch.nn.Linear(,1,bias=False)
        self.w.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros((1,

        self.c = c # sharpness parameter (Kruschke uses 6.5 in SHJ simulations)
        self.phi = phi # temperature when making decisions; not included in loss (Kruschke uses 2.0)

    def forward(self,x):
        # Input
        #  x: [dim tensor] a single stimulus
        # Output
        #  output : [tensor scalar] unnormalized log-score (before sigmoid)
        #  prob : [tensor scalar] sigmoid output
        x = x.view(-1,1) # dim x 1
        x_expand = x.expand((-1, # dim x ne
        x_expand = torch.t(x_expand) # ne x dim
        attn_expand = self.attn.expand((-1, # dim x ne
        attn_expand = torch.t(attn_expand) # ne x dim

        # memory/hidden layer is computes the similarity of stimulus x to each exemplar
        hidden = attn_expand * torch.abs(self.exemplars-x_expand) # ne x dim
        hidden = torch.sum(hidden,dim=1) # ne
        hidden = torch.exp(-self.c * hidden) # ne
        hidden = hidden.view((1,-1)) # 1 x ne
        # compute the output response
        output = self.w(hidden).view(-1) # tensor scalar
        prob = torch.sigmoid(self.phi*output) # tensor scalar
        return output,prob

class MLP(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, nhid=8, phi=2.0):
        # Input
        #   exemplars: [ne x dim] rows are exemplars provided to model
        super(MLP, self).__init__() = exemplars.size(0) # number of exemplars
        self.dim = exemplars.size(1) # stimulus dimension
        self.nhid = nhid
        self.hid = torch.nn.Linear(self.dim,self.nhid)
        self.out = torch.nn.Linear(self.nhid,1)
        self.phi = phi

    def forward(self,x):
        # Input
        #  x: [dim tensor] a single stimulus
        # Output
        #  output : [tensor scalar] unnormalized log-score (before sigmoid)
        #  prob : [tensor scalar] sigmoid output
        x = x.view(1,-1) # dim x 1
        x = self.hid(x)
        x = torch.tanh(x)
        output = self.out(x)
        prob = torch.sigmoid(self.phi*output) # tensor scalar
        return output,prob

def update_batch(net,exemplars,targets,loss,optimizer, model_type = False):
    # Update the weights using batch SGD for the entire set of exemplars
    # Input
    #   exemplars: [ne x dim tensor] all stimuli/exempalrs in experiment 
    #   targets:   [ne tensor] classification targets (1/0 or 1/-1, depending on loss)
    #   loss: function handle
    #   optimizer : SGD optimizer
    n_exemplars = exemplars.size(0)
    out = torch.zeros(n_exemplars)
    for j in range(n_exemplars):
        out[j],_ = net.forward(exemplars[j])
    myloss = loss(out, targets)
    if model_type == 'alcove': = torch.clamp(, min=0.) # ensure attention is non-negative
        assert ValueError
    return myloss.cpu().item()

def evaluate(net,exemplars,targets, loss_type):
    # Compute probability of getting each answer/exemplar right using sigmoid
    # Input
    #   exemplars: [ne x dim tensor] all stimuli/exempalrs in experiment 
    #   targets:   [ne tensor] classification targets (1/0 or 1/-1, depending on loss)
    # Output
    #   mean probability of correct response
    #   mean accuracy when picking most likely response
    POSITIVE,NEGATIVE = get_label_coding(loss_type)
    n_exemplars = exemplars.size(0)
    v_acc = np.zeros(n_exemplars)
    v_prob = np.zeros(n_exemplars)
    for j in range(n_exemplars):
        out,prob = net.forward(exemplars[j])
        out = out.item() # logit
        prob = prob.item() # prob of decision 
        if targets[j].item()== POSITIVE:    
            v_prob[j] = prob
            v_acc[j] = out >= 0 
        elif targets[j].item()== NEGATIVE:
            v_prob[j] = 1-prob
            v_acc[j] = out < 0
    return np.mean(v_prob), 100.*np.mean(v_acc)

def HingeLoss(output, target):
    # Reinterpretation of Kruschke's humble teacher
    #  loss = max(0,1-output * target)
    # Input
    #  output : 1D tensor (raw prediction signal)
    #  target : 1D tensor (must be -1. and 1. labels)
    hinge_loss = 1.-torch.mul(output, target)
    hinge_loss[hinge_loss < 0] = 0.
    return torch.sum(hinge_loss)

def train(exemplars,labels, lr_attn, lr_association,model_type,num_epochs,loss_type,track_inc=5,verbose_params=False, c = 10, phi = 1):
    # Train model on a SHJ problem
    # Input
    #   exemplars : [n_exemplars x dim tensor] rows are exemplars
    #   labels : [n_exemplars tensor] category labels
    #   num_epochs : number of passes through exemplar set
    #   loss_type : either 'll' or 'hinge'
    #   track_inc : track loss/output at these intervals
    #   verbose_params : print parameters when you are done
    # Output
    #    trackers for epoch index, probability of right response, accuracy, and loss
    #    each is a list with the same length
    n_exemplars = exemplars.size(0)
    if model_type == 'mlp':
        net = MLP()
    elif model_type == 'alcove':
        net = ALCOVE(exemplars, c, phi)
        assert False

    if loss_type == 'll':
        loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='sum')
    elif loss_type == 'hinge':
        loss = HingeLoss
        assert False # undefined loss
    optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr_association)
    if model_type == 'alcove':
        optimizer = optim.SGD([ {'params': net.w.parameters()}, {'params' : [net.attn], 'lr':lr_attn}], lr=lr_association)

    v_epoch = []
    v_loss = []
    v_acc = []
    v_prob = []
    for epoch in range(1,num_epochs+1):
        loss_epoch = update_batch(net,exemplars,labels,loss,optimizer)
        if epoch == 1 or epoch % track_inc == 0:
            test_prob,test_acc = evaluate(net,exemplars,labels, loss_type)
            v_loss.append(loss_epoch / float(n_exemplars))

    return v_epoch,v_prob,v_acc,v_loss

Creación del widget interactivo.

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# Cada fila es un ejemplar y cada columna es una dimensión de interés.
def data():
    # Orden de presentación por bloques.
    labels = pd.DataFrame(
    return exe, labels

def graph(A, M, SE, n_type, viz = False):

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(figsize = (18, 8), ncols = 2)

    # Primer Gráfico (Aprendizaje)
    ntype = n_type
    viz_se = viz

    for i in range(ntype): 
        if viz_se:
    ax1.set_ylabel(r'Probabilidad de acierto', size = 15, labelpad = 3)
    ax1.set_xlabel(r'Bloque', size = 15, labelpad = 3)
    ax1.tick_params(direction='inout', length = 7, width = 2 , colors='black',
               grid_color='black', grid_alpha= 0.5, pad = 10, labelsize = 10)

    ax1.legend(["Type " + str(s) for s in range(1,7)], fontsize = 12)

    ### Segundo Gráfico
    for i in range(ntype):
        if viz_se:
            ax2.errorbar(M[i,0,:],M[i,3,:],yerr=SE[i,3,:],linewidth=4./(i+1))  # v is [tracker type x n_iters]
            ax2.plot(M[i,0,:],M[i,3,:],linewidth=4./(i+1))  # v is [tracker type x n_iters]
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'Iteración (época)', size = 15, labelpad = 3)
    ax2.set_xlabel(r'Loss', size = 15, labelpad = 3)
    ax2.legend(["Type " + str(s) for s in range(1,7)], fontsize = 12)

    ax2.tick_params(direction='inout', length = 7, width = 2 , colors='black',
               grid_color='black', grid_alpha= 0.5, pad = 10, labelsize = 10)

def alcove_run(c = 10, phi = 1, epoch = 50, model = 'alcove', loss = 'hinge', learning_rate_asso = 0.03, learning_rate_att = 0.0033, viza_stand_error = False):
    num_epochs = epoch # number of passes through exemplars
    model_type = model # 'alcove' or 'mlp'
    data_type = 'abstract' # 'abstract' (binary representation) or 'images' (pixels)
    loss_type = loss # 'll' (log-likelihood) or 'hinge' (version of humble teacher)
    lr_association = learning_rate_asso # learning rate for association weights
    lr_attn = learning_rate_att # learning rate for attention weights
    ntype = 6 # number of types in SHJ
    viz_se = viza_stand_error # visualize standard error in plot
    exe, labels = data() 

    POSITIVE,NEGATIVE = get_label_coding(loss_type)
    if data_type == 'abstract':
        list_perms = [(0,1,2)]
        list_exemplars = []
        for p in list_perms:
            exemplars,labels_by_type = load_shj_abstract(loss_type, exe, labels, p) 
                # [n_exemplars x dim tensor],list of [n_exemplars tensor]       

    list_trackers = []
    for pidx,exemplars in enumerate(list_exemplars): # all permutations of stimulus dimensions
        tracker = []
        for mytype in range(1,ntype+1): # from type I to type VI
            labels = labels_by_type[mytype-1]
            v_epoch,v_prob,v_acc,v_loss = train(exemplars,labels,lr_attn, lr_association, model_type,num_epochs,loss_type, c, phi)

    A = np.array(list_trackers) # nperms x ntype x 4 tracker types x n_iters
    M = np.mean(A,axis=0) # ntype x 4 tracker types x n_iters
    SE = sem(A,axis=0) # ntype x 4 tracker types x n_iters

    graph(A, M, SE, ntype, viza_stand_error)


Se tienen diversos parámetros para modificar en el modelo interactivo:

  • Especificidad: Controla que tanto se esparce la activación de los nodos de las capas ocultas del modelo.
  • Parámetro de temperatura: Controla la ponderación en la regla de respuesta logística del modelo.
  • Número de épocas: Controla el número de presentaciones de los ejemplares
  • Modelo: El tipo de modelo a usar, el original de Krushke o un Perceptrón Multicapa.
  • Función de Pérdida: Distintos tipos de funciones de costo (a minimizar)-
  • Tasa de aprendizaje (TA) de asociaciones: Controla la tasa de aprendizaje de las asociaciones entre las capas ocultas y la salida. Es decir, la asociación o similitud de cada ejemplar con cada categoría.
  • Tasa de aprendizaje (TA) de ateción: Controla la tasa de aprendizaje del parámetro atención que une la capa de entradas con las capas ocultas, es decir, qué dimensiones de los ejemplares son importantes.
  • Error Estandar: Se visualiza el error estándar de la media de las gráficas de aprendizaje y de la función de costo que son la predicción y el resultado del modelo respectivamente.
Haz Clic para ver el Código
alcove_run(c = 6, phi = 1.5, epoch= 50, model = "alcove", loss = "hinge", learning_rate_asso = 0.03, learning_rate_att = 0.0033, viza_stand_error = False)


Versión Interactiva

Aquí puedes encontrar la versión alternativa.